Saturday 7 November 2020

Publication and exciting times on the radio and in the press

Other than some satnav shenanigans as a result of a closed road in Grantham, my trip to the binders in Derbyshire went as smoothly as could be expected - not least because the book looks fantastic! I'm really pleased with the way it has turned out. If you had told me at the start of all this that this would be how it would look, I would have been amazed, and after all that has gone into making it over the last three years it was quite a thing to actually, finally, hold it in my hands. Of course the work doesn't stop with publication and behind the scenes I have been working with my printers to come up with a distribution plan for whatever might be thrown at us in terms of orders - and the possibility that things might get 'interesting' on that front has been vastly increased by the brilliant and persistent work of my publicist Angela. Here is what is coming up:

  • Saturday 7th November: 4-page feature in the Telegraph magazine
  • Tuesday 10th November: 9.05 a.m. interview on BFBS radio
  • Wednesday 11th November: interview along with William Boyd on the Today programme on Radio 4 (time still to be confirmed).
  • Wednesday 11th November: publication of Country Life magazine with 'I Shall Not Be Away Long' as their book of the week.
And over the last couple of days I have been sending out review copies at the request of the book editors of, in order of their asking:
  • The Observer
  • The Daily Mail
  • The Sunday Times
Given the huge number of books that are being published at the moment and the limited space for reviews in those papers, that really is quite something. I don't know when the reviews will be coming out but I will post on here when I've got some concrete news. I couldn't have hoped for more - and yet there still may be more - I'll let you know when I know for sure.

I'm aware that some people are not keen on using Paypal or cheques, and now that I've got some actual books there is another option: the book is now listed on Amazon marketplace. The orders still come through to me to organise posting out and with the tight margins on all this I'm afraid the extra fees I have to pay to Amazon are reflected in the fact that the £2.80 fee for P&P is on top of the £29.50 you'd pay if buying direct through my website.

The story with posting out the books is that I brought 70 copies home from the binders and am using those to post out review copies as well as the orders I've had from abroad. With the required customs form needing a signature, it seemed that I had to do it myself and so over the next few days I'll be posting books to Ireland, the Netherlands, France, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Bermuda, Canada, Australia, South Africa and the USA. Orders for this country will be going out this week once the full shipment of newly-bound books arrives back at my printers in Ipswich. The waiting is nearly over for all the kind people who've pre-ordered my book over the last couple of months.

And finally, on my way back from the binders on Wednesday I stopped off at Majestic Wines in King's Lynn and took advantage of a great deal to buy a bottle of Louis Roederer Brut Premier champagne (see a previous post for its significance). Luckily it was the night before lockdown so I was still able to stop off at my friend Paul's. He did his trick of wrapping the bottle in a wet towel and sticking it in the freezer and half an hour later we were toasting the book and each other. It's been quite a journey and Paul has been with me every step of the way. I wonder what is going to happen next.


  1. Well done Andrew; great progress. Thanks very much for the update!

  2. How wonderful, looking forward to reading it.

    1. Thanks, Kate - it's soon be on its way to you

  3. I’d love to order your new book. I received your previous book and was mesmerized by the lives of these soldiers. Let me know if I can get it through you instead of going through Amazon with the extra costs. I have PayPal and Venmo. Diana Kramer.

    1. Thanks, Diana - you can order it using Paypal from my website at - I remember from your order of my first book that you're in the States. I'm self-publishing so have not got distributors outside the UK so it's not available on Amazon outside the UK and I'm afraid postal charges to the US have sky-rocketed in recent times - that said if you're prepared to wait a bit, pick the 'Surface mail outside of Europe' option and it becomes a lot more reasonable. Any problems, please let me know.

  4. Great news Andrew, and I loved reading your blog about what has been happening in relation to this book. It is so good that you are getting publicity for your work and skill - very well deserved. Having seen a preview, I am anticipating its arrival with excitement. Kind regards, Penny.

    1. Thanks, Penny - that's great to hear and the book is on its way to you - I'll be interested to hear what you think.

  5. Yes, it's astonishing to me - the numbers are not huge but it's quite a thing to be able to connect so easily with people so far and wide

  6. Christopher Nash9 November 2020 at 17:13

    Thanks for the updates Andrew. Your passion and commitment deserves success. Looking forward to receiving your book.
